Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner. ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Design for Shabby Apple (plus flexing, spitting, and other manly stuff)

Before you start reading this post, I require that you raise your arm and make a solemn pledge to read the entire thing, all the way through, right to the end. If you’re not willing to commit to that, you’re perusing without permission and will not be authorized to use anything found herein to form an opinion about me. Agreed? Okay, you may proceed.  

Okay, so as both of the loyal readers of this blog already know, I am working for two years in a quasi-governmental job in American Samoa, which is really just code for super laid back lots of free time.  

The other day when checking my email for the hundredth time, I see there’s something from this women’s online clothing store called Shabby Apple. Why am I on the email list for an online women’s clothing store? Well, my sister and sister-in-law are gaga about this Shabby Apple place and so being the awesome brother I am I once got them some birthday presents from there, or maybe it was just a gift certificate, I can’t remember, anyway, that’s how I got on the email list.

So anyway, from time to time Shabby Apple has this contest where all you have to do is design some clothes and then post it on your blog and if you’re in the top 15 everyone votes and the winner gets free money (that phrase “free money” has always seemed contradictory to me, but anyway, you know what I mean).

So, here I am, in American Samoa, checking my email and it occurs to me, I like free money and I’ve seen clothes before so why not give it a try. How hard could it be right? So I pulled a sheet of paper out from the printer, grabbed a pen and fifteen minutes and three email checks later, voila. I’m a fashion designer. Well, we’ll see. Anyway, of course I don’t have any colored pencils or pens or whatever to color my design so I had to use the super awesome free paint program on my computer. Not the best, but whatever, it’ll do.

Anyway, now stay with me here fell’as and keep reading, it gets more manly down below, I promise.  Here in Samoa the guys wear these skirt things called ie faitaga and I’ll admit, I’ve got one and I like wearing it. This is manly stuff, trust me. It’s like a South Pacific kilt – rugby players wear them, football players wear them, guys who live in a place call Massacre Bay wear them. Trust me, manly.

So anyway, I’m thinking, maybe the ladies would like to wear these as well. It’s basically a wrap around skirt with pockets, and there’s this belt kind of thing that threads through to keep it up. Pretty simple, pretty easy, pretty nice. No pleats so they have a flattening effect as well although with my ripped manly six-pack abs that’s not really an issue for me. On my design I tapered it so it will be a little more figure flattering for the ladies (the one I wear kind of makes me look stocky – or maybe that’s just my rock hard muscular legs, hard to know really). I also threw a strip around the bottom with a traditional Maori pattern. Could do floral pattern instead. Anyway, the top, which I understand is called a blouse, although I’m really too manly to have every had a conversion that actually required me to use the term “blouse,” has kind of a gathered fabric thing that looks pretty nice – I’m sure less manly men would know the proper fashion term for that, but whatever, I was probably busy lifting something really heavy when everyone else was talking about that.

Bright colors – I chose blue and yellow but it should be pretty easy to mix that up – red, orange, whatever as long as it has a bright tropical feel. Maybe even a floral print, although I'm kind of O.D'd on that down here right now (and it was too hard to draw). Another idea is grey or navy with pinstripes for the skirt if you really wanted to dress it up, but then you kind of lose the tropical feel. Now that I think of it, maybe the pinstripes with a white top. Hum. Oh well, I'm done thinking about that now -- got to go back to thinking about flexing my muscles for awhile. Oh, and definitely sandals (I haven’t worn shoes, except to church, in months).

So, right, hopefully the ladies at Shabby Apple will like this. If they do, anyone who made fun of this post will have to vote for me so I can get my free money which I will not be sharing with you haters.

If you have any questions about the design, feel free to leave a comment, but I probably won’t respond because most likely I’ll be out hunting wild boar with my bare hands or buying some power tools or something.

Peace out.

P.S. I am supposed to link to Shabby Apple Dresses, so here’s the link. Go there and buy all of their super awesome modest dresses. 


Sara Ann August 14, 2011 at 9:11 PM  

Dear Brother:

A) You are hilarious! I love reading your blog and do so religiously. I've tried to comment a couple of times but it has rejected me for some reason, so don't think I'm ignoring you.

B) Once again I am so jealous of your creative talents. Fashion designer, furniture builder, you've got quite the resume going. And don't worry, you are no less manly in my eyes. I'm sure you're getting plenty of boar hunting in on your spare time.

C) I think you're awesome and I miss you!



Michael August 15, 2011 at 8:12 PM  

Thanks Sara. I miss you too. Can't wait so see photos of the baby!!!!!
I'm not sure why blogger sometimes decides not to like people when they make comments. Keep trying.

Love, Michael

Jan August 25, 2011 at 10:13 PM  

Bahahaha! Nice, Michael! Also, I would like to claim myself as the inspiration for the "peace out"!! :)

Glad you're working so hard, lol.

Michael August 26, 2011 at 1:12 PM  

Okay, Jan, I'll give you attribution for the "peace out."

Melinda July 3, 2012 at 6:23 PM  

that's a pretty muscular model in that drawing! s/he does look really samoan in that way. i can't stop chuckling at this. if you took this drawing to a sewing shop they could make this exact ensemble, you could have your own website of island creations--moldy apple. or shabby shack...?

Melinda July 3, 2012 at 6:24 PM  

that's a pretty muscular model in that drawing! s/he does look really samoan in that way. i can't stop chuckling at this. if you took this drawing to a sewing shop they could make this exact ensemble, you could have your own website of island creations--moldy apple. or shabby shack...?

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