Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner. ~Author Unknown

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Rain

So I'm sitting in my hotel room this morning, getting ready for the day when suddenly there is this roar outside. What the heck? I opened the door and experienced my first Samoan rain (I called it a "storm" and was mocked mercilessly by the locals). Apparently this is normal or at least not uncommon. But I've got to tell you this was no April-Showers-Bring-May-Flowers-West-Kaysville shower this was a get-the-kids-and-the-animals-and-meet-Noah-at-the-boat downpour. Unfortunately, these photos don't do it justice, but here's what I've got. (I'm going our armed with my camera tomorrow for some better photos).


Sara Ann June 4, 2011 at 3:35 PM  

Hilarious! I love it! I'm so excited to hear about so many more Samoan adventures!

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