The Kids
My wife took our two oldest kids to a birthday party last Saturday. I stayed home with the younger three. I figured that since I would be chasing them around the house anyway, I might as well be chasing them with a camera. I was focusing on composing photos from the back to the front, in other words, making sure that I got good plain backgrounds. Of course, no one wanted to hold still and act cute in front of the black table cloth I draped over the fridge, but I did get luck on a few photos. Here are the keepers:
This one is by far my favorite. I shot it from across the kitchen with my big lens. The background was just lucky.
I like the background on this one of Daniel also. Too bad he had chocolate chip cookie crumbs all over his face.
This is the only good one I got in front of the hanging table cloth. Not an amazing photo, but since I went to all the trouble of hanging the table cloth -- an exercise that involved tucking inside the fridge, magnets, and chairs -- I thought I was entitled to post at least one.
This last photo was taken just as I was wrapping up for the day. I saw these nuts spilled on the table and it reminded me of a photo my good friend Aimee Roth Smith took of some Cheerios. I was still using the long lens, but switched over to macro.
I love the one of Hannah, Michael. That's very sweet. The background is interesting, too, because the golden color is on the highlight side and the black cloth is on the shadow side. You should just tell people you did that on purpose, lol.
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